Movies by Arunkanth, Info Pluto Media Works
Check out the feature films produced by Info Pluto Media Works.
Written & Directed by Arunkanth.


Operation JuJuPi

Indha Nilai Maarum

Goko Mako
Goko Mako
World's first & Only GoPro Movie. Movie based on music, travel, love & comedy. Movie made for people who love craziness.
Written & Directed by Arunkanth.
Indha Nilai Maarum
A story about Young Entrepreneurs. Movie based on an Internet Radio Station, Matrimony & some crazy comedy.
Written & Directed by Arunkanth.
Released in Cinemas on 6th Mar 2020.
Now Streaming on
Operation JuJuPi
A Political Fantasy. A Bi-Lingual (English & Tamil Movie) based on a magical master plan to create a happy nation.
Arunkanth, Founder of Info Pluto Media Works
Official Website of Arunkanth